We had a wonderful sermon at church today! I feel renewed and today is a new start. A rededication of sorts of my life, this adoption, to GOD. I'm doing this for HIM.
I want to make the reasons for this adoption perfectly clear. We are not adopting these 2 little children because we feel incomplete as a family. We aren't adopting again because we want more children, believe me!! We definitely aren't adopting again because we're bored and have time to spare! We are bringing these two precious children into our family because we are GOD's hands and feet and that is what He would do. It isn't easy and it isn't comfortable. And honestly, I'm scared to death of what we are getting ourselves into! BUT,Jesus loves all children and if He was able, He would adopt them and give them a home. WE ARE ABLE, because Christ is in us, so that is what we will do. We are adopting Teagan and Joey as our children, because GOD adopted US as His. THIS is what WE are called to do!!
In the "adoption community" it is said over and over... never decided not to adopt because of the money. If your heart is right with GOD and you are adopting to glorify HIM, HE will provide!
We have taken a HUGE leap of faith here. We have the money to provide for our kids on a day to day basis once we get them home, but getting them here is the hard part financially! I want to be completely open an honest in this post, so I'm telling you right now... this adoption is going to cost us around $45,000 to bring both Teagan and Joey home. $45,000!!!! That is a crazy amount of money to come up with in a very short period of time! But with GOD, we know it is possible. We know that somehow, crazy as it sounds, we will get the money that we need right when we need it.
And sometimes God uses the people in our lives to provide for the children that HE so deeply loves.
Asking for money is VERY uncomfortable. I struggle with it everyday. It's embarrassing honestly. Money is a hard thing. I don't want to ask, so a lot of times I don't. But the only thing holding us back from our children is time (and paperwork), and unfortunately MONEY. So I'm asking you to pray. And if you feel led, I'm asking you to donate to help bring Joey and Teagan home. I'm asking, and it's uncomfortable. But I'm asking for my kids. I'd do anything for them.
I also want to lay out our Payment Schedule so anyone who is interested can see where their money is going specifically. Please don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions or concerns. Also, if you'd like your donation to be Tax Deductible, I have a way to do that as well. Thank you all in advance. I promise you, anything you can give will be appreciated!
WACAP Application Fee $250 Paid
Homestudy Fee $3000 Paid
Preapproval Deposit $500 Paid
Homestudy Review Fee $350 Paid
US Immigration Filings: Jeff $805 Due before sending Dossier to China
US Immigration Filings: Tammy $805 Due before sending Dossier to China
WACAP Fee + 2nd child fee $3500 Due at Homestudy Approval
WACAP Processing Fee $1500 Due at Homestudy Approval
CCCWA Charge: Teagan $1450 Due at Homestudy Approval
CCCWA Charge: Joey $1450 Due at Homestudy Approval
Dossier Processing Fee $500 Due after Dossier Completion
Doccument Expences $250 Due after Dossier Completion
WACAP Fee $500 Due at Referral
WACAP Processing Fee $500 Due at Referral
WACAP Fee $2000 Due at Child’s acceptance
US Entry Visa Processing Fee: Teagan $350 Due at Child’s acceptance
US Entry Visa Processing Fee: Joey $350 Due at Child’s acceptance
Post Placement transmittal: Teagan $660 Due at Child’s acceptance
Post Placement transmittal: Joey $660 Due at Child’s acceptance
Orphanage Donation: Teagan $5800 Due in China
Orphanage Donation: Joey $5800 Due in China
In China Legal Expenses $3000 Due in China
Round-trip Airfare: Jeff $1800 Due prior to travel
Round-trip Airfare: Tammy $1800 Due prior to travel
In China Travel, lodging, translator $5500 Due prior to travel
In China expenses: Teagan $600 Due in China
In China expenses: Joey $600 Due in China
Airfare to US: Teagan $800 Due prior to travel
Airfare to US: Joey $800 Due prior to travel
Total Adoption Cost: $45,430.00
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